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Emma Be You Be Yoga

Mindful ways to help transition into Autumn / Winter Months

So hello Autumn... You have arrived....

I personally really struggle this time of year, I miss the beauty of Spring and Summer, the warm sunshine and the light nights, being able to go for late evening walks and enjoying the outdoors…but let’s face it, this year our seasons have flown by so much quicker than normal, especially with the pandemic taking hold of our lives. But one thing which I feel lots of us can say is a positive, is that we have all been able to reconnect with nature and the outdoors so much more and appreciate our beautiful country.

Like I said I do struggle this time of year and I’m sure there are many of us which wish it would stay summer that little bit longer. So, it's time to embrace the season which is Autumn to the best we can, especially with social distancing still being an issue and not being able to see family and friends as much.

As someone who finds Autumn very difficult and it really does have a massive effect on my mental health. I have found ways to overcome any anxiety’s around Autumn and Winter and I’m going to be using them more than ever this year to really enjoy and embrace the coming months and most important accept change is ok.

Here are just some of my tips which i feel can help:

Get Outside as Much as you can, While it's Light

I think this is a real important one but also can be difficult especially when you are at work. But most of us now do work from home so taking this opportunity can really help you. So may-be go for a lunch time walk, or when you get home go for a walk. Even if it's 15mins. The colours of Autumn can be stunning so great chance to take photos and capture nature at it's best with those amazing golden colours. Some Autumn sunsets are amazing, we sometimes get lost in the fact it's getting too dark… and forget that we still get beautiful sunsets.

Get wrapped up and enjoy being cosy while you can, you won’t see these colours forever so enjoy it while it's around.

Look after our British Wildlife, during the Cold Months

This is a new one for me as I recently moved home to a new location… and being in the countryside more has made me connect with nature on another level. I absolutely love our British Wildlife, we have some of the most stunning wild animals amongst us. This year my garden is home to a beautiful little hedgehog which I feed each night… I also made a hedgehog house for her. Which she seems to be impressed with so far… so hoping she hibernates soon! I have loved feeding her and getting to know her personality. I brought a wildlife camera which I leave out so I can see any activity during the night.

Our wildlife needs us more than ever during these months, most need more food and water. So it's important to feed the birds too, all our British wildlife need additional help during the winter months.

This for me has helped me bring more gratitude to where I live and the animal’s we have, especially the little hedgehogs.

Eat Seasonal Produce

I love my food and eating seasonally can be so much healthier and a more environmentally friendly way to eat and a great chance to eat more local produce. Embrace the harvest vegetables like carrots, sweet potato, pumpkins, butternut squash, apples, tomato’s, beetroot etc… Make soups or yummy warm stews / casseroles. Real hearty foods that make you feel good whilst giving you a boost of vitamins.

Be Creative make an Autumn Wreath

For me this is really important as I love to be creative and I’m finding I’m most creative during the Autumn and Winter months. You can do so much from making your own Autumn wreaths using leaves, twigs and plants from the hedgerow. To being creative with pumpkins ready for Halloween.

Here is a link on how to make your own Autumn Wreath

click here >>> Autumn Wreath

Use Essential Oils

The change in weather in Autumn can have a massive impact on your mood, so it’s important to look out for things which help uplift you and boost your mood. Essential Oils are perfect for this, that’s why I use them so much in my home.

Lavender this is one of my favourites as well as being great to use all year round. It's especially great to help with anxiety and stress.

Lemon I love this one, it's like a breath of fresh air and makes you feel so uplifted. I also use this as my cleaner by adding a few drops in some water. It's a great oil and also blends well with lavender.

Sweet Orange This is very similar to lemon as it's a very uplifting smell and it also helps reduce anxiety like lavender. But can really help your mood when either used as a massage oil or inhaled.

Frankincense This is probably one of the most expensive oils I use but it's perfect for creating a calmness. I also use it in my meditation sessions as it brings a sense of energy to your mind and body as well as feeling relaxed.

Meditate and do Yoga

Meditation and Yoga are both amazing for your over-all wellbeing and health. Especially if you suffer from Anxiety and Stress related issues around this time of year which can be heightened by the change in weather and darker nights, believe it or not this it can really mess with your body.

Yoga will help you keep in tune with your body and mind and bring you the energy your body needs as we move into winter. Do yoga poses that focus on the lungs and large intestines, as these are the two organs associated with the fall season.

Meditation will help you bring awareness to your breath, body and mind. It will also help you have a better night’s sleep and bring more calmness to your mind as well as making you feel happy. If you feel all of these in turn your body will be happy which also means you will be healthier, and your immunity will increase.


So, there you have it... some ideas I use during these Autumn months, which help me deal with the change in the season / weather / darker nights and my lovely anxiety.

You may find other ways which work for you, but these ones I feel work the best for me. Making a Wreath is something new i want to achieve this Autumn, so i'm getting my creativeness on and going to make my own this time.

If you do have any other ideas please share them as it's great to share different ideas which may help other people.

Thank you so much for reading my blog, please follow my Instagram @beyoubeyoga and Facebook @byoubyoga pages for updates on upcoming classes and any other Yoga related topics.

I also have a FREE Wellbeing and Mindfulness Group which you can join on my Facebook page - @BYOUBYOGA

Warm Wishes, Stay safe and well

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