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Emma Be You Be Yoga

Ways to stay healthy and look after your Mental Health this Lock down

As we have entered another lockdown due to Covid -19, I feel it's more important to stay healthy, physically and mentally than ever.

What doesn’t help on top of this, is we are in the middle of Winter so Darker Nights, Colder Days, Home-schooling and the start of a brand New Year (Which most of us may have been optimistic and positive about).

So, there’s lots happening which really can have such an impact on us.

If you’re like me and love routine and just want to get on with your lives doing all the things you love but currently can't, this can bring additional anxiety's, worry's and stresses. Which can then make you feel unwell, lack motivation, feel lethargic and unproductive.

What we want to be doing is changing our perception on all the negatives of the current situation and turn them into positives instead. Which believe it or not we can, you just have to remove the negative thoughts, pop them to one side and fill your thoughts with most positive thoughts, which of course makes us feel happy and cheerful.

I myself have found this lockdown so much more difficult as I’m really missing my family and friends and with so many birthdays that we have in our family during Jan – March, it's hard not seeing the people you love that support you, motivate you and love you. I want to hug my parents so much… but I know that one day it will come and it will be the best day ever!

So, I decided I’m not letting Negatives get to me, no way!... I’m staying positive and open minded. If i can stay like this i feel more productive and happy.

So here are some of my personal tips to help you through the next few weeks as we move into February. Some of you may already know about these but even if you pick out one which you could try, it could make all the difference.


TIP 1 ~ Eat a Healthy Balanced Diet –

Eat the Rainbow as I say lol...

This is an important one… I love my food but change in routines can really affect your eating patterns and what your mind wants to eat or craves. Make sure you are getting your 5 a day fruit and vegetables to help you stay healthy… I'll add fruit to my breakfast or make a Juice full of goodness which gives me the energy and vitamins I need in the morning. I try to not snack during the day but if I’m hungry i'll make sure I have some fruit like a Banana or Apple, I also love the Graze bars…they are so lovely and they tend to keep me going till lunch time.

Make sure you also eat at regular times during the day, this will help you get into a routine and also understand when your body is hungry. Working from home and

home-schooling may make this difficult if you’re out of routine, but try to stick to one and be dedicated to eating around the same times.

Stress can affect us in so many ways and eating the wrong foods is one of them, eating foods which make you feel bloated and don’t give you energy also has an effect on your body and mind.

All i can say is stick to it YOU GOT THIS!


Tip 2 ~ Move your body!

Ask yourself, have you moved your body today?

For me this has been a life saver… If I didn’t exercise at home during these lockdowns, I don’t know what I would have done. Not only does exercise help you mentally, but it also lets your mind escape and think about something different and makes you overall feel good and boosts your metabolism along with your immune system. If I didn’t exercise in some way each day, I would really struggle, it's help me so much and I feel great once I have done it.

Don’t get me wrong there are days I lack energy and feel tired, but I put those thoughts aside and focus on my making myself feel good as i know once i have done a workout i will feel so much better.

I set myself a weekly workout plan… Yep, I do this each week and have done this since lock down last year… I combine my workouts with Cardio / Strength and of course Yoga / or Meditation. But I also make sure I get outside for walks which is just as good if you don’t have the space indoors to exercise and I set my self some time to walk even if it's squeezing in half an hour after lunch or 20mins.

It's better than not moving your body at all.

I will soon be sharing more information on my FREE 7 DAY YOGA PRACTICE which I’m currently working on so excited. This will be an all over Body Workout Plan and I’m very proud to be sharing is you all soon.

The link to subscribe to join will be available on my Website very soon!


Tip 3 ~ Have you learnt Something NEW?

#trysomethingnew you never know what opportunities will come from doing so...

I have only recently started doing this and I’m finding it so helpful and really useful… set yourself a challenge, it doesn’t have to be a daily thing but maybe each week try to learn something new. Something that you would never normally do or you have always wanted to try while you have more free time. You never know what can come from it, you may learn something which you never thought you would be good at but in fact you’re amazing. It could even kick start a new businesses who knows!

I’ve been painting and being artistic all my life but now I’m learning how to paint even more trying different skills and techniques learning from You Tube Videos , Podcasts and so much more and just having fun while doing it.

It makes you feel good and also its great for Mental Health and Wellbeing.



TIP 4 ~ Have a Digital break

How often do you look at your Phones / TV / Social Media

While it’s important to stay connected digitally, make sure you do have a break from it and balance your time. Plan times to be digitally connected and when you need a break. Put your phones away for a few hours, the same things you scroll through will still be there when you look again. YOUR NOT MISSING MUCH LOL

Try not to watch too much online news, it's so negative at the moment and can really affect your thoughts and make you become overwhelmed by too much information.

Be Mindful while looking at things which cause you to be upset, worried or anxious and know how they can make you feel and no when to stop.

It's ok to have a break remember that. I tend to for at least a week and then feel better after i have. Digital content overwhelms me so much so i tend to hop in and out of things now and not take things too seriously.


Tip 5 ~ Stay in touch with friends and family

Have you asked if they are ok? Give them a call or video call you may make someone’s day.

For me this is another very important thing to do, keep in touch with your family and friends especially when you have bad days. A simple chat on the phone can make all the difference. Also, if you know anyone whose struggling contact them message them ask them if they are ok… it can really mean a lot to someone and help them feel less isolated and lonely.

I love sending little gifts in the post to people like flowers or little gifts or even sending treats and cakes it can really brighten up people’s day.

It's all about making the effort and keeping that communication contact going.


TIP 6 ~ Get enough sleep

How often do you spend the night scrolling through your phone before going to sleep?

Sleep plays a fundamental role in your Mental Health. However, when daily life gets disrupted, it’s easy to fall into bad sleep cycles. Go to bed early to make sure you get your 8 hours sleep if possible.

Try and focus on maintaining a regular bedtime routine and avoid the temptation of lying-in bed for ages in the morning. Take some time to wind down at the end of the day and avoid having caffeine or alcohol late at night.

I love going to bed early on Sundays as it sets my week up and I feel refreshed for Monday. I love a good read and sometimes listen to podcasts before bed which distract my mind and calm any anxiety’s which i struggle with before bed.

I have a few recommendations of Podcasts here:


Really hope these tips are helpful…

I try to stick with them, but like life things happen and I may not always do them especially on bad days and that’s ok.

Even if you do one or two it can really help you. Remember it's ok to not feel ok during this weird time.

Talk to people, keep telling people how you are feeling and keep being positive.

This won’t last forever the light at the end of the tunnel is coming... stay safe and be kind everyone

My upcoming FREE Yoga Practice Subscription will arrive soon so look out for it and sign up for 7 FREE days of Yoga around certain mindful themes.

So excited to share with you.

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